SBA Administrator and White House Cabinet Member Maria Conteras-Sweet visited Precise Energy Products in Fort Worth

September 26, 2014

Precise Energy Products on September 8th hosted Maria Contreras-Sweet to a tour of their oilfield equipment manufacturing facility in Fort Worth Texas. Ms. Contreras-Sweet is the head of the US Small Business Association and a Cabinet Member. She toured the facility to see "A Day in the Life of a Small Business" and to celebrate Precise's SBA Region XI Exporter of the Year Award.

Mrs. Contreras-Sweet was very interested in hearing from President Gregg Cobb and CFO Lisa Cobb how they had worked with Citibank to utilize the SBA Line of Credit to support their export business, the hurdles that small businesses had to overcome in the marketplace, selling at the international level, and what legislative intiatives that could support small business growth.


Lisa Cobb , Chief Financial Officer

(817) 439-1972 x304 ;

See Article on Fort Worth Chamber

See Dallas Morning News Article